Saturday, November 1, 2008

I'm so dang proud of Matthew!

Well, I'm always proud of all my sons, but the last few weeks especially I have been thinking about how proud I am of Matthew. He has been working SO hard through this whole college admission process, and these last few weeks he has really been working hard on applications, writing, rewriting, and editing all those essays, arranging for transcripts and SAT scores to be sent, and everything else that goes into applying for college. WHEW! It's way more than the things I did when I applied for college! And all this in addition to his usual, VERY heavy classload, his involvement on the NFTY Regional Board, working out at the gym, and all the other things he usually does. I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

I have always been impressed by how independent my kids are, and Matthew is no exception. When he was in preschool, he never cried at the gate and was always happy to leave me and join his classmates and teachers. He looks forward to going away to camp all year, and while he's happy to see us when he comes home, I know he has such a great time there that he hasn't had a problem with homesickness, even when he was away most of the summer. And now he is really hoping to go away to college, FAR away. He has applied to a few California State Universities, but he's also applying to Indiana University, University of Michigan, University of Washington, and University of Arizona. And while I'll miss him when he's away, I'm so excited about the wonderful experiences that await him, wherever he ends up!

The college applications finally all went out this week. Matthew's relief at completing this monumental task was apparent. And now the waiting begins! We are hoping to begin receiving those FAT, welcome admission envelopes soon!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Finally Fall!

What a glorious morning! The sky is a deep blue, the sun is shining, and it is CHILLY out! After a couple of weeks of nearly unbearable heat with temps into the triple digits, it is finally starting to feel like fall. While we don't get the dramatic colors of other parts of the country, the change to pleasant temps and the need for warmer clothing is a welcome change.

I LOVE fall! While I would love beautiful fall foliage, I do enjoy the other things about this time of year. I love that I can cook and bake again. During the hot weather, I don't usually run the oven because it heats the whole house. The cooler weather allowed me to do some fall baking this week, and I'm already planning to cook some chili and soup this week. I enjoy cooking, and it's one of the things I look forward to about fall!

Today is such a beautiful day, we're hoping to do something outside. I don't know what that will be at the moment, though. Warren and I might just go over to Yorba Regional Park with Stanley, or we might head out to Victoria Gardens for some walking around. But it's a gorgeous day, and I definitely don't want to be indoors today!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Great Dog Show Weekend

This weekend was our first dog show in over a month, and we realized how much we missed it! It was such a great weekend.

Stanley's showing wasn't exactly stellar. He came in second in his class on Saturday (and there were only two dogs) but he did win his class of three dogs on Sunday. He didn't earn any points, because he didn't win Winners Dog, but we were happy with his class win. He's got some growing and maturing to do, and he's looking a bit like a gangly teenager. In addition, he's hormonal like a teenager, and it didn't help that there were quite a few bitches in season at the show. His behavior on Sunday was much better than Saturday, though.

It is always fun to get out to the show and see all the dogs and the dog show people. Our kids make fun of us that we're part of this crazy crowd now, and, if you've ever seen the hilarious movie "Best in Show" there really are people that are like all the characters in that movie!

Truly, though, the best blessing of our new hobby is the wonderful people we've met who have become our friends. I've always thought that dog people are among the most loving, caring people around, and the people who have become our friends are no exception. This past weekend was filled with beautiful dogs, good friends, red wine, and laughter, and it just doesn't get any better than that!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Election Excitement

I have been through several presidential elections, but never before have I been so involved! And, while I usually refrain from discussing politics for fear of starting an argument (okay, sometimes I still discuss them ) this is MY blog and I can say whatever I want. (And, BTW, while I would like all of you to agree with me, it's okay with me if you post opposing comments.) There are some issues that are "make or break" issues for me--women's reproductive rights, separation of church and state, the environment and climate change, and the war in Iraq, to name just a few--and for the first time, I am so excited that there is a candidate who shares my views on all these issues. For the first time, I feel like if he gets elected, MY views will be represented in our government.

It does make it exciting that no matter which candidate is elected, history will be made, either because we will have a non-white president, or because we will have a woman vice president.

But I hope to God it's the former rather than the latter! I think it's INSULTING that the powers that be behind McCain's choice for VP thought that I would even consider voting for their ticket just because Sarah Palin has a vagina. Personally, she frightens me. She wants to set women's rights back to the 1950's. And her ultra-conservative views about church and state issues would stomp on everyone's right to religious freedom. And even in Alaska, she has demonstrated that the environment is far down on her list of priorities, even at a time when concern about global warming is at an all-time high.

I can only hope that there are enough Americans who think like I do, and will get out and express their beliefs through voting. Here's hoping!

Friday, September 12, 2008

"Memory Tag"

I got this "game" from Stephanie's blog, and you know I had to play too. :)

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember that maybe brings a smile to your face!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It will be fun to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you are playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Nathan posted some pics of his trip to Spain, and I am thrilled with the incredible things he's seen and done in the short time he's been there already. They have a couple of weeks before classes begin, and, as part of the program, IES took them to Valencia, a coastal town south of Barcelona, for some sightseeing. The beaches there are absolutely gorgeous, and they got to tour a castle (certainly not the kind of thing kids get to see here,) a 13th century cathedral, as well as experiencing the city of arts and sciences, the aquarium and other sights of the city. He and the other American students have become good friends and are having a good time together. They will be joined by the Spanish University students next week, and then classes will begin. I can't wait to hear more!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Dog Day Afternoon

Yesterday was such a lovely day!
First we dropped Daniel off at the temple for his first day of religious school. He is working as a teacher's aide (madrich) again this year. It's a good experience for him, it gives him a little spending money, since he'll get paid this year, and it allows him to see his temple friends.
Then we took Stanley and met our friends Sara and Howard Gottesman and their son Jordan, along with their large Chocolate Lab, Colby, at The Corner Bakery for breakfast. The food is good, and there's a large outside patio. Stanley loves to go and just be outside greeting all the people.
Later that afternoon we met our friends Bev and Mort, with their dog Havanna, at Fashion Island in Newport Beach. Havanna is Stanley's half sister, and at 10 months was needing some socialization. Fashion Island is a nice outdoor shopping mall that attracts lots of people with children and dogs, and is the perfect place for some doggy socializing! Stanley loves the fountains, and we laughed as the dogs played in them! It was nice walking around and talking to people. Stanley and Havanna just attracted attention everywhere they went, and they seemed to really enjoy it. And by the end of the day, Havanna seemed to come out of her shell a bit. We later put the dogs in the cars for a nap (with the engines and A/C running) and we enjoyed some burgers and wine and conversation (which got more than a little heated when I provoked Mort into a political yelling match. :) ) It was a really nice day, and I'm looking forward to a repeat sometime soon.